Joseph Ognibene

Joseph Ognibene

French Horn, trombone and Trumpet – Iceland

Joseph Ognibene was born and raised in Los Angeles and started studying music at the age of 7, first on the piano and later on the horn. He graduated cum laude from Pomona College and continued his studies at the Folkwang Hochschule für Musik in Essen under Hermann Baumann. Joseph Ognibene won a prize in the Prague spring international music competition 1978. After completing his graduate studies in Los Angeles, he was hired by the Symphony Orchestra and has often performed with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra as a soloist. Joseph Ognibene is a member of the Kammersveit Reykjavíkur, a founding member of the Reykjavík Wind Quintet and has made many recordings with them and SÍ on behalf of BIS, Naxos and Chandos. He performed as a soloist at the Hornthing in Lahti in the summer of 2002.

Joseph Ognibene er fæddur og uppalinn í Los Angeles og hóf tónlistarnám einungis 7 ára gamall, fyrst á píanó og síðar á horn. Hann útskrifaðist með cum laud- gráðu frá Pomona College og hélt námi áfram við Folkwang Hochschule für Musik í Essen undir stjórn Hermann Baumann. Joseph Ognibene vann til verðlauna í alþjóðlegu tónlistarkeppninni Vor í Prag, árið1978. Að loknu framhaldsnámi í Los Angeles var hann ráðinn hjá Sinfóníuhljómsveitinni og hefur oft komið fram með Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands sem einleikari. Joseph Ognibene er meðlimur í Kammersveit Reykjavíkur, stofnmeðlimur Blásarakvintetts Reykjavíkur og hefur gert margar upptökur með þeim og SÍ á vegum BIS, Naxos og Chandos. Hann kom fram sem einleikari á hornþinginu í Lahti sumarið 2002.