International Association for Music Education
Mezinárodní asociace pro hudební vzdělávání
Thank you all for your participation this year. In 2024, we had a record number of 130 participants. Please follow the links on Zonerama, our YouTube channel, and social media.
Applications for the next year, from July 11 – 20, 2025, are now open.
… Music and visual arts are just some of what I-AME, the international summer music academy in Prague, has to offer. Let us allow music to touch our hearts and come together to create in the beautiful spaces of Prague. We are looking forward to unforgettable experiences in a friendly atmosphere, numerous inspiring encounters with fascinating people, and many beautiful concerts. We have prepared a diverse program under the guidance of top soloists and chamber musicians, as well as distinguished educators. We offer a unique connection between the world of professional musicians and academy participants who engage with music, perhaps on an amateur level. Thanks to the magical power of music, these two worlds are successfully intertwined. The academy also includes an artistic and creative program for younger participants. To conclude, I will use a quote from Hans Christian Andersen that perfectly captures it all: “Where words fail, music speaks…”
I look forward to seeing you, Věra Binarová

Magic Music in Magic Prague
The Summer Academy in Prague, Czech Republic “Magic Music in Magic Prague” is a unique educational opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of Prague and the Czech Republic, while learning about the history and development of music in the region. Students will take part in lectures, workshops, and performances focusing on classical and traditional music, as well as popular genres from all over the world. The program is open to all ages, and no prior experience is required. Participants will have the opportunity to experience the city’s vibrant music scene, tour its iconic landmarks and monuments, and explore the many cultural attractions that make Prague so magical.
This year our academy will be at Jan Hanus Music School at Prague 6, close to Prague castle. We will continue to nurture children’s love of music and help them develop their musical talents, with courses focused on improving their skills, training in chamber music, and performing in concerts in the beautiful Conservatory concert hall and other venues in Prague.
With the participation of Czech and world leading artists and educators, we organize a summer music academy for young artists and a music camp for children. We organize a summer festival featuring guests, educators and participants of the academy and camp. We are looking for emerging talented artists, which we present at concerts. Through creative music and art programs, we strengthen the personality and cultural development of the young generation.
Overview of the three student categories: children, future professionals, and amateur musicians:
Children: Our summer music camp is an excellent opportunity for children to explore their musical abilities and express themselves through music. We offer a variety of classes and activities to help children develop their skills and gain a greater appreciation for music.
Future Professionals: Our program for future professionals is designed to help young musicians hone their skills and prepare for a career in music. We provide courses that focus on technique, theory, and performance, as well as opportunities to collaborate with other students and professionals.
Amateur Musicians: Our program for amateur musicians is designed to help those who are passionate about music to explore their talents and gain a greater understanding of music. We offer courses that focus on technique, theory, and performance, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with other students and professionals.
Experiences of our teachers
Since 1998
Teachers & artists
I-AME z.s.
International Association for Music Education
Non for profit organisation, identification number 269 87 546
address i-ame
Předměřice nad Jizerou 85, 294 74, Czech Republic
Artistic Director
Věra Binarová +420 603 810 469
vera.binarova @ i-ame.org
viola @ verabinarova.cz
Executive Director
Ada Slivanská +420 608 332 830
+420 245 001 711
ada.slivanska @ i-ame.org
info @ i-ame.org
Office Director
Hana Kadlecová
hana.kadlecova @ i-ame.org
Address I-AME 2025
Jan Hanuš Music School
U Dělnického cvičiště 1/1100 B
169 00 Praha 6 – Břevnov
Student residence Hvězda, or similar
Zvoníčkova 5
162 08 Praha 6